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Announcing our public release - let's get rolling!
Announcing our public release - let's get rolling!
Announcing our public release - let's get rolling!

Web3 authentication is powerful and magical, allowing users to carry information across sites, easily make payments, and have full control over their identity. Yet, developers struggle to support web3 authentication due to constant changes in the wallet world, as well as the need to onboard new users who may not be familiar with crypto wallets.

Enter: Dynamic - A powerful web3 auth developer platform.

  • For crypto-native users: offer smart and beautiful login flows.
  • For new-to-web3 users: offer simple onboarding flows.
  • For developers: you get tools that go beyond authentication, abstracting away the complexity of dealing with standards, chains, and wallets, as well as with getting started flows for new-to-web3 users.

Over the past year, we've been working with a closed set of beta customers to iterate over Dynamic and the tools developers need. Today we are excited to release our Public Beta, as well as announce a free, multi-chain wallet adapter.

As part of our public beta, we are rolling out multiple new, powerful features:

  • Email and Social account sign-in: You can now allow users to sign in to your platform using their email, with social coming soon.
  • Embedded wallet: In addition to sign-in options, you can also choose to generate a wallet for customers in the background, providing them with the option to explore the magic of web3 without having a crypto wallet. (it works with today, with Web3Auth, Blocto, Lit and others coming soon).
  • SDK v2 - we completely revamped our SDK, making it even more flexible and dynamic. With our new SDK, you can control everything down to the pixel, as well as leverage our new sorting and filtering capabilities and growing list of themes.
  • User profiles - we created a unified multi-wallet and user profile modal that enables a single location to manage wallets, social info, emails, and more.
  • NFT gating v2 (coming soon) - we have completely redesigned our NFT gating framework. In a few weeks, you’ll be able to easily gate access to your app by tokens, NFTs, POAPs, and much more.

We are also announcing a key free offering - a powerful multi-chain wallet adapter. With our adapter, you get the full flexibility of Dynamic’s SDK, and can implement a simple multi-chain connector in just a few minutes.

To show the magic of Dynamic, we put together a loom video walkthrough of the product:

Since founding Dynamic we have been fortunate enough to work with incredible partners and customers who have trusted us with a key flow in their products. From Collective, Llama, and Evaluate to Irreverent Labs, Utopia, and Animoca Brands, they have not only taken a chance on us and our SDK, but also provided us with invaluable feedback on what worked, what didn’t, and what is still very much needed.

As we roll out our public beta, we have one favor to ask of you, dearest reader. We ask for feedback. As you implement Dynamic, tell us what you like, and what you are missing. We want to build an incredible product for you and care deeply about making it a magical experience.

You can email us, tweet at us, join our slack community, or even write to us with a courier pigeon. We promise to read your feedback, iterate, and get you an even better product.

This is very much the start of our journey, but it’s time - let’s get rolling.

Yoni & Itai

p.s - we recommend watching the videos above with sound on!

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Yoni & Itai

Yoni and Itai are the co-founders of Dynamic. They have been friends for 16 years, since meeting at MIT, and have worked together for more than 6.

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Dynamic takes minutes to set up

(Oh, and we also offer a free multi-chain wallet adaptor)

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