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Introducing Telegram Auto-Wallets: Generate a wallet with your Telegram account with a single click!
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Easily manage multiple wallets across chains

End-users with multiple wallets can easily manage them by consolidating everything into a single account within our user profile widget. As many wallets as your users need, all in one place.


Multi-wallet, multiple use cases

NFT marketplaces

Create a unified profile for your users across their wallets, show them an aggregation of their assets, and do much more.


Let users take action across multiple accounts within their same wallet.


Building multi-chain defi? Enable your users to connect multiple wallets and easily leverage them for trading.

Membership sites

Allow your users to authenticate with one wallet and mint with another, either on the same chain or a different one.

All the edge cases you could dream of (and have nightmares about)

You can go back to focusing on your product.

  • Multiple account in the same wallet

  • Wallet switch detection

  • Account merging

  • Multi-chain

  • Mobile-friendly

account merging

A powerful wallet at your customers’ fingertips

With an easy to use embedded wallet, your customers can buy crypto using our partners’ on-ramps, as well as send tokens to external wallets

The fun doesn’t end with auth - Dynamic comes with a robust user profile widget

With our SDK, you get a full user management UI where users can control and update their information.

Works across chains

Multi-wallet isn't limited to a single chain. You can combine a Metamask, Phantom and Dapper wallet and others into a single account.

Layer 2s
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Optimized for user privacy

We optimize for privacy and limit what is stored and shared. Multi-wallet associations ARE NOT shared across Dynamic’s customers. Any association that a user creates between wallets is confined to the app they've created the association on.

Dynamic takes minutes to set up

(Oh, and we also offer a free multi-chain wallet adaptor)

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